8 Home Remedies for Pimples

Are you suffering from unsightly pimples and you are looking for home remedies for pimples? then you’re in the right place. Acne can be an embarrassing and painful aspect of growing up, and sometimes these blemishes can even follow us into adulthood, resulting in severe scarring and other dermatological problems. When your hormones are raging or unbalanced, as is often the case in puberty, many parts of your face can break out in blackheads, whiteheads, or inflamed pimples. These hormonal imbalances can lead to excess oil on the skin, which clogs your pores and feeds bacteria that lives on the surface; eventually, this causes the bacterial infections that we call acne.

Though the ultimate cause is a hormonal imbalance, these problems can be exacerbated by a few factors, a huge one being skin irritation. Irritating the skin or causing it to become inflamed is an invitation for the surface bacteria which naturally lives on your skin and causes acne to dive into the sub-epidermal area and infect your pores. Because of this, you will want to treat your skin with a natural antiseptic, as well as use moisturizers to help keep your skin from being irritated and to help discourage the production of your own skin’s oils. Let’s look at a few home remedies for pimples below:

Home Remedies for Pimples:

Thyme (thymus vulgaris): A thyme-based tincture or extract has antibacterial properties that may help reduce the growth of the Propionibacterium acnes bacterium, which is a causative agent of acne vulgaris.
Apply with a cotton ball daily.
Make a thyme tincture infusing herbs in alcohol (in 1:4 ratio) 1 part dried thyme with 4 parts alcohol (Vodka).Place it into a cool, dark area for 8 days to a month. Apply 3 times a day.

Neem (Indian lilac): has antiseptic, antimicrobial and astringent properties . Contains quercetin and salicylic acid that soothes redness and inflammation. Antioxidant neutralizes free radical and boosts the immune system. Recommended neem capsules, neem tea, neem powder or neem creams but avoid soap, alcohol or abrasive ingredients that irritate the skin further.
Crush fresh neem leaves and apply the paste to your face. Leave till it starts drying, then rinse off completely with warm water.
Also can use neem powder with water to make a paste and apply on skin. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse off completely with warm water.

Tea Tree essential oil (maleluca alternifolia): Contains terpinen – 4 – lo that has antibacterial properties and destroys propionibacterium acnes. Tea tree helps calming and reduces redness and inflammation. Powerful healer.
This essential oil can be applied directly on the skin. Soak a cotton pad with warm water, apply a few drops of tea tree oil onto the cotton pad .Rub the cotton pad over the affected area.
Also diluted in water can be applied (in 1:9 ratio) 1 part tea tree with 9 parts water.
Also mixed with aloe vera, clay, honey or jojoba oil.

Aloe vera: has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect also soothes the skin and is a powerful healer that helps prevent scars. Reduces irritation pain and itching. Cleans the clogged follicles reducing the oil excess on skin.
Apply aloe juice or the gel inside the aloe leaf directly on the affected areas and let dry.

Lemon juice: Contains vitamin c, antibacterial properties, skin whitening agent, reduces excess oil on the skin, exfoliating and astringent properties helps close pores.
Dip a cotton ball into lemon juice and apply it directly to the blemish. Avoid eyes zone. Wait 10 minutes and wash face thoroughly.Caution: do not expose to sunlight

Apple cider vinegar: has antibacterial properties. Balances the pH of your skin, exfoliating agent and astringent properties helps dry up excess oil and close pores.
Diluted in water (1:3 ratio ) 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water, dip a cotton ball into vinegar and apply it directly to the blemish.

Honey: antibacterial properties, powerful healer, hydrates the skin and balances Ph.
Dab a small amount of honey onto a pimple and leave it on the area for an hour; then rinse off since this shouldn’t be left on overnight.

Rosehip oil:is known for its healing and anti-microbial properties, rich in Vitamin C vitamin A also contains fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) helps cellular regeneration. Has been proven effective in repairing acne scars and marks.
Apply it directly to the blemish with a cotton ball daily.