How to get rid of a cough with home remedies

Are you suffering from a persistent cough after a sickness or due to allergies that you can’t seem to get over? and are you wondering how to get rid of a cough? First, you should see a doctor about the problem, but after you are cleared and it seems that the cough isn’t due to anything serious, you may be interested in finding some kind of supplement to get relief. For a lot of us, using commercial medications isn’t an attractive option, since so many of those pills and syrups can have annoying side-effects that are almost as bad as the cough itself. You may want to go a more holistic route in that case.

If you’re worrying about how to get rid of a cough naturally, the first thing you need to do is determine whether your cough is dry or congested. Dry coughs don’t have any phlegm, and are often caused by asthma or irritants that enter your respiratory system. Sometimes changes in temperature or humidity can cause this as well. Congested coughs, on the other hand, are the result of infections such as the common cold or of foreign bodies invading the throat. Once you have determined what kind of cough you have, you can go about finding a natural remedy that can suit you.

How to get rid of a cough with home remedies

For congested cough:

Thyme tea: rich in flavonoids that relax tracheal and ileal muscles involved in coughing and also reduce inflammation. Is a potent expectorant that help loosen the mucus in your lungs and antibacterial.

Use one tablespoon of dried herbs per 1 cup of water. Drink 2 cups daily.

Syrup Onion+honey: Onion has antibacterial properties. Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Combine a teaspoonful each of raw juice from an onion and honey, let the mixture stand from 3 to 4 hours, take as tolerated throughout the day

Onion broth: chop one onion and boil with cup of water 10 to 15 minutes, strain it, then drink the resulting broth three times a day. This is going to reduce congestion.

Apple Cider Vinegar:It will dissolve the mucus as well as reduce the inflammation.
Mix 1 or 2 vinegar teaspoon per cup of water. Take a couple of swallows when you need.

Garlic: powerful antibiotic and expectorant agent.
Mince cover and put it into a bowl. Cover it with honey before covering with plastic wrap, then let it marinate during the night. When you wake up, take a tablespoon of it and use through the day if you need to.
Garlic and honey Syrup: Macerate 1 pound of sliced garlic with two pounds of boiling water for twelve hours. Add a tablespoon of honey. Take 1 or 2 teaspoon whenever the cough is troublesome.

For Dry Cough:

Honey:Has antibacterial properties. Acts coating and soothing those irritated mucous membranes.
Take 1 tablespoon of honey 1-3 times daily

Milk: only for dry, unproductive cough (not much mucus), because it will coat and relax the throat. Take a couple of swallows when you need.

For Both, Dry and Congerted Cough:

Lemon Water+Honey: Honey soothes the throat and has antibacterial properties. Lemon contains Vitamin C that strengthens the immune system and has antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Add the lemon juice in a cup of warm water and add a tablespoon of honey. Drink 3 cups a day.

Aloe vera juice: Natural antibacterial agent. Aloe helps soothing and healing the throat and has anti-inflammatory effect.
Take aloe vera juice 1 oz. 4 times a day

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis):contains mucilage, which coats the throat and soothes irritation. May help treat infections. Has anti-inflammatory activity. Demulcent, soothing agent, expectorant and antibacterial. Has antitussive effect that inhibits cough reflex. For both dry cough and productive cough.

Gargle for mouth and throat irritation: 2 grams of marshmallow has been soaked in one cup of cold water for two hours before gargling (do not drink)
Drink two cups a day of infused herb. Use 1 tablespoon of dried herbs per 1 cup of water.

Rosemary tea:boosts the immune system, has antispasmodic functions, analgesic and decongestant. This is beneficial if you suffer both the common cold and other respiratory diseases; asthma, allergies, bronchitis, irritative cough or dry cough, flu or emphysema.
Drink two cups a day of infused rosemary. Use 1 tablespoon of dried herbs per 1 cup of water.

Lobelia (Lobelia inflata): Acts as an expectorant and is a respiratory stimulant and antispasmodic, relaxing the smaller bronchial tube muscles to open up the air passages.
Tincture made with vinegar and lobelia seeds is the very best way to use lobelia
Can be used externally as a rub for relaxation, rubbed on the neck and chest and between the shoulders to break up congestion.
Make a tincture with 4 oz. of the dry herb to 1 quart of apple cider vinegar and macerate for two weeks
Combine at the rate of 1 part lobelia tincture by volume: 10 parts of a mixture of other tinctures

Mullein tea (Verbascum thapsus): Mucolytic agent used for lung-related problems acts as an expectorant, helps to clear the lungs of mucus, soothes and relaxes the bronchial tubes and lungs.
Drink 3 cups a day of infused Mullein. Use 1 tablespoon of dried plant per 1 cup of water.

Hyssop tea (Hyssopus Officinalis):has soothing, expectorant, antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties.
Drink two cups a day of infused hyssop. Use 1 tablespoon of dried herb per 1 cup of water.

Fennel tea (foeniculum vulgare): anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and antispasmodic properties
Drink two or three cups a day of infused fennel. Use 1 tablespoon of dried seeds per 1 cup of water.
You can gargle the tea or inhale the warm vapors