Tamanu Oil for Acne

Why should I use Tamanu Oil for Acne?

If you are just an eco- friendly products’ protagonist, or you have got acne but can’t use chemicals-derived products, tamanu oil could be a natural way to beat acne, aging, scarring, eczema, psoriasis and stretch marks.

Living in this time and age, we are relying recklessly on mass-market products that are low not just in price but also in the quality. But every day, more and more people are using tamanu oil for acne for its effectiveness.

Let’s find out a little more about tamanu oil for acne.

What is tamanu oil?

Tamanu oil originates from South Pacific, Melanesia, Tahiti and Vanuatu, where it’s considered the “only” viable skin treatment. Tamanu is a tropical fruit tree that looks very similar to apple trees. Inside the fruit are the magical seeds that are the source of tamanu oil.

Tamanu oil primarily targets four acute skin problems: acne, eczema, psoriasis, and aging. It stimulates skin rejuvenation process leading to a healthy, glowing and baby-soft skin.

Apart from the aforementioned, tamanu oil is virtually suitable for any skin problem. It can also be used for acne scar removal, and dermatitis.

How does it look like?

The oil has a thick viscosity, and tinge of green and gold color. It also has a strong woody scent with a slight curry spice scent.


How to use Tamanu oil for Acne?

The oil is rich in linoleic and oleic acid which makes it a very balanced oil.
The oil has some rare lipids that aren’t found in other oils, like calophyllolide (helps against inflammation), calophyllic acid (a fatty acid that aids healing) and lactone which is hailed as antibiotic.

How you can use tamanu oil depends on your skin type. Well, generally, anyone can apply it directly to their skin, but due to its astringent properties, people who have dry skin can mix it with other oils. Go for the right blend of oil that’s suitable for your skin.
It’s a great ointment that you can apply directly to your skin for treatment of scars and for wounds healing.
Use just a few drops so you could easily massage it on your skin. You don’t need too much oil, in fact.

How to choose best tamanu oil?
Just like any other oil you would buy, tamanu oil also has various quality grades. Look out for these things in your oil:
It should be organic.
It should be virgin, and
Cold pressed

How to store tamanu oil?
Tamanu oil has a shelf life of up to 5 years when it’s stored under optimal conditions. Ideally, you would need to store the oil between 21 degree Celsius to 51 degree Celsius. Read these storage instructions:
Store it in a cool dry place and away from direct sunlight.
Use dark colored bottles to avoid light penetration.
If the oil temperature drops below 21 degree Celsius, it’s physical properties change, giving it a cloudy look and some sediments too. But it’s completely normal and won’t change the chemical properties of the oil.
You can heat and shake the oil (but not above 57 degree Celsius which will partially destroy the enzymes inside the oil) to restore its green color.

Pure and real tamanu oil may be a little expensive, but it’s worth it. You won’t have to use any other product for your skin problems.