Tips to Relieve the Symptoms of a Cold

Colds, though usually not a mortal danger to those who have a normal, healthy immune system, can definitely put a damper on your mood and energy. The symptoms of a cold can last anywhere from a few days to about a week, and in the meantime they can often leave you feeling miserable and lethargic, not to mention stuffy. Your nose might run, your throat might hurt, and you may find yourself sneezing and coughing many times throughout the day.

The worst part is that there is no cure or vaccine for a cold, since antibiotics only work against bacteria and colds are caused by viruses. In other words, the best that you can do is just wait it out until nature takes its course and your body figures out how to fight the current invaders. In the meantime, though, you are left with the symptoms of a cold that you have to deal with. Fortunately, you don’t have to just sit back and suffer; there are many natural, practical treatments that you can provide for yourself right at home without having to use over the counter medication. Many of these remedies have been used for thousands of years and have a long track record of success, so keep these tips in mind whenever you find yourself with the sniffles.

Tips to treat the symptoms of a cold:

Stay Hydrated: drink minimum 8 glasses of water daily: hydrates and helps to thin the mucus. Specially if you are running a fever.

Use a humidifier: Humidifiers help break up congestion by adding moisture to the air, which helps to thin the mucus in your nose and relieves a dry cough and itchy throat.

Use a neti pot – Use Saline Spray or Salt-Water Rinse: Used for centuries by yoga and ayurvedic practitioners in India, nasal irrigation is a gentle and effective way to clear the nasal passages of mucus and allergens.

Take Steam Showers: you can add numerous essential oils that will impart wonderful healing benefits. This can help soothe congestion and open your airways as well as help fight off bacteria or a virus.

Avoid drink milk: Drink milk may generate more mucus or phlegm and more irritating to your throat.

Do not eat a lot of food: when you are ill the body needs to focus more on healing than digestion. It is better to take soups and juices.

Avoid processed foods, refined, fats and fried food: acidity formed from these foods increase the bacterial infection.

Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners and drinks carbonated drinks rich in sugar: bacteria thrive in a sugary environment as it impairs the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria.

Do not smoke: Lung’s cilia help to move toxins through your lungs to protect them, but smoking paralyzes the cilia so the toxins just settle into your lungs, which causes an inflamed reaction. Coughing is the way your lungs try to get rid of all the toxins from smoke.

Place hot pads on the chest and throat for congestion and a soothing effect.

Stay warm and avoid very dry environments and cold air: Both of these situations can cause dry and arid throat.

Blow Your Nose often: press a finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other.

Do not swallow the phlegm: because can contain bacteria (or viruses)

Drink Hot Liquids: may help relieve congestion.

Wash your hands often with soap.

Sleep With the Head Elevated: This will allow your sinuses and nasal passages to drain better and not create that “tickle” in your throat.

Lemon socks for fever: socks soaked in warm lemon juice and water applied to warm feet can calm fever.

Gargle With Warm Salt Water: Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the throat. Not only does it alleviate throat pain and loosen irritating mucous, but it can even help prevent get sick during the cold season.
Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a full glass of water and gargle three times a day.

Stay Rested and relaxed: resting or sleeping when you are ill helps your body direct its energy toward the immune battle. Stress leads to elevated cortisol levels, which tend to weaken the immune system.